Welcome to my E - Portfolio!

My name is Sonam Zangmo, and this website is created to showcase my work for a ICT Course that I am taking this term at in Paro College of Education, Paro. This site will not only showcase projects that I am doing, but it will also demonstrate some of my skills. Aside from the ICT Course, I am also taking course in English but i will more focusing in ICT.

My goal is to start improve my self and my works with the help from all of you because I am passionate about making a difference in myself.

For more information about myself and my experiences please review My Resume.You can also Contact me at any time to find out more about me!

Microsoft Word

When i was in my 1st year, i learned about Ms.Word, Ms.Excel, Ms.PowerPoint and Publisher. I will write  down my understanding of these topics, processes, importance and the images.

Microsoft (Office) Word is a commercial word processor designed by  Microsoft. Microsoft Word's native file formats are denoted either by a .doc or .docx file extension.
The steps to get in Ms. Word.
The importance of using Ms.Word are as follows:

  • Word Art enables drawing text in a Microsoft Word document such as a title, watermark, or other text, with graphical effects such as skewing, shadowing, rotating, stretching in a variety of shapes and colors and even including three-dimensional effects.Users can apply formatting effects such as shadow and reflection to their document text as easily as applying bold or underline and also  spell-check text that uses visual effects, and add text effects to paragraph styles.
  • Word has extensive list bullets and numbering feature used for tables, list, pages, chapters, headers, footnotes, and tables of content. Bullets and numbering can be applied directly or using a button or by applying a style or through use of a template and can also create tables, etc.... 
The works that we did in Ms. Word:

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This is the book cover that i have designed.
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I have even designed a poster in Ms.Word. Down Load