Microsoft PowerPoint, usually just called PowerPoint, is a commercial presentation program developed by Microsoft. PowerPoint presentations consist of a number of individual pages or "slides". We learned how to create power point slides presentation, to apply design, animation and to add effects to the text and images. Here a simple sample of what i did in Ms. PowerPoint below:
Welcome to my E - Portfolio!
My name is Sonam Zangmo, and this website is created to showcase my work for a ICT Course that I am taking this term at in Paro College of Education, Paro. This site will not only showcase projects that I am doing, but it will also demonstrate some of my skills. Aside from the ICT Course, I am also taking course in English but i will more focusing in ICT.
My goal is to start improve my self and my works with the help from all of you because I am passionate about making a difference in myself.
My goal is to start improve my self and my works with the help from all of you because I am passionate about making a difference in myself.
For more information about myself and my experiences please review My Resume.You can also Contact me at any time to find out more about me!